+91 97415 36972

mU Greens and Greens
We are an urban farm that produce the freshest and nutrient-dense food on the planet and deliver them to your home in Bangalore.
Add Wheatgrass and mICROGREENS to your diet for a healthy life and to enhance immunity. Consuming Wheatgrass and other mICROGREENS may have health benefits for individuals with diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers and on a weight loss routine.
You'll love including Wheatgrass and mICROGREENS in your diet as much as we love growing them for you. We help you learn how to grow microgreens at home in our training program “Growing microgreens at home” and support by sourcing tools, trays, seeds and sharing recipe ideas for Indian dishes.
Food and health are related. Good food brings good health. You can consume Wheatgrass as wheatgrass shots, wheatgrass smoothies or wheat grass juice as a detox drink. Wheatgrass are known as super foods to fight cancer and may aid cancer patients. You may use wheatgrass for weight loss, wheatgrass for cancer, wheatgrass for hair, wheatgrass for skin, wheatgrass for Gut health and diabetes. It contains chlorophyll and aids in Anaemia. Eat nutritional and healthy food for a healthy life. Order online!
The nutritional benefits of Wheatgrass and mIRCOGREENS are so amazing and its flavors will give all the more reason to try it. So come and explore the world of microgreens!
We welcome you to our "mU Greens and Greens" family.
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Want to learn more about our farm or Looking for anything specific? Get in touch!
35, 2nd Cross Rd, Nagashetty Halli, R.M.V. 2nd Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560 094, India
+91 97415 36972

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Every Saturdays

mU Greens and Greens